Rosie’s Interview With Marta Zaczkowska

Marta Zaczkowska waxing specialist in

Unlike previous years, New Year would be filled with jubilation and excitement to the start the year!  Unfortunately for many the 2nd wave disruption has caused much uncertainty concerns for the months ahead for us in the Beauty Industry.

Having been in the industry for more than 30 years, there have been numerous unforeseen problems that arise which at a times threatened the business. The current crisis is a threat to our health and cannot be compromised, however, the financial security is coming at larger risk.

I was privileged to be offered to join for an interview with Marta Zackowska, Marta has carved herself as a leading Waxing Specialist and now has her International Training Academy. As a co female entrepreneur, we chat on my background and the challenges that I faced in establishing my business.

I can only conclude  that we can all learn from each other’s experience and find the resilience and ways to overcome this unforgiving period.

Wishing you much success for the year ahead!


Aqua natural sugar wax black and yellow bee on white flower

What role do bees play in our daily lives and the industry?

As we are battling with issues of the environment and sustainability in the last few
years, we have witnessed the decline of the bee population. Bees are one of the
most important creatures in our ecosystem. They are vital for the pollination of plants
that provide an estimated one third of our food production and they support the
growth of trees, flowers, and other plants, which serve as food and shelter for
creatures large and small.

What else do bees do?
Apart from honey, bees make beeswax from special glands in their bodies, they
collect pollen & mix it with honey to make bee bread to feed their babies. They
collect resins and sap from trees and mix it with saliva, secrete the wax from the
underside of their abdomens, and then use the beeswax to construct a honeycomb.
For each pound of beeswax provided by a honeybee, the bee visits over 30 million
flowers. To produce one pound of wax requires the bees to consume about eight to
ten pounds of honey.

Bees are worth around £700m to the British economy and they maintain our
beautiful and diverse environment. Unfortunately, the increasing use of pesticides
and climate change temperatures has been causing a decline in their population.
We extract beeswax from the honeycomb, it is the purest and most natural of all
waxes. This biproduct hugely benefits the beauty industry, beeswax is typically found
in use of lip balms, mascara, moisturizers, lip glosses, hand creams, concealers,
anti-aging, waxes and many other skin care products.
As part of our commitment to our ethical and sustainability agenda, we help support
bee populations and protect their colonies by donating our excess sugar syrup to
local beekeepers. Our pure sugar syrup mixed with water provides an excellent
alternative source of food when it is too cold outside to travel to find nectar and
produce honey. Beekeepers can use sugar syrup as a substitute to stop their hives
from starving. We are immensely proud that our local Northamptonshire Beekeepers
Association have its apiary thriving. The bees love the sweetness of our syrup!
‘What we take from the environment we should give back to the environment’
How can you help?
Planting bees’ favourite flowers will make your garden a haven for bees and colourful too.
Common Poppy, Lavender, Foxglove, Nasturtium and Evergreen Clematis are a few
that you can plant to help sustain the bee population.

Refill, Reuse, Reduce: Aqua Natural Launches Sustainability Scheme

refill, reuse, recycle - sustainable sugar wax refill scheme for Aqua Natural

At Aqua Natural, we have always made ethical and eco-friendly business a cornerstone of our company and our brand.

We’re joining the war to end single-use plastic and made it our mission to identify how we could make our already recyclable Aqua Natural Strip Sugaring jars even better for the environment while keeping them user-friendly.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our “Refill, Reduce, Reuse” rewards scheme to encourage therapists and salon owners to return their empty jars of Aqua Natural Strip Sugaring to us to be washed, sterilised, and reused, free of charge. While refillable schemes are already in operation for shampoos and cleaning products, there is no such programme in place for waxing products, and we are delighted to be the first in our category to launch an initiative like this.

Our plastic jars have been a tricky proposition for us. Whilst we have always ensured that we use recyclable plastic for our jars, we felt we could take it a step further. We have continued to use plastic because we wanted a jar that was safe to microwave, for ease and speed for therapists. It is now about how we used plastic in an eco-friendly way than just recycling. Reducing the amount of single-use plastic in our process was always the next natural step in our drive to be better for the environment. Finding a way in which the jars, didn’t have to be disposed of afterwards was our aim. We believe this is a solution that will help not only our customers but the environment too!

Joining the scheme couldn’t be any easier: we require a minimum of 12 jars to be returned at any one time, and in return, a 15% discount will be added to the next order. And because Aqua Natural Strip Sugaring is 100% natural and water-soluble, it means cleaning out jars and sterilising them is easy, clean, and safe, as we don’t use any chemicals for this process. Good for our customers’ pockets, good for the environment!

Rosie Khandwala – Co-Founder Aqua Natural

Difference between Sugaring and Strip Sugaring

smooth legs in water symbolising aqua natural strip sugaring

In recent years sugaring treatment for hair removal has gained in popularity as professional publications have included ‘sugaring’ alongside other professional hair removal treatments that therapists offer.

One of the most  frequently asked questions amongst therapists is, what is the difference between sugaring and strip sugaring?

Sugaring comes in 2 different forms. In both forms the ingredients derive from mixing sugar, water and lemon juice. However, they are manufactured to different consistencies.

Traditional sugaring is formulated to be used WITHOUT strips. The paste is applied by hand against the hair growth and is flicked  along the direction of hair growth to pull the hairs out. This requires its own specialised training. The training and product are supplied by trained sugaring practitioners.

Strip sugaring, on the other hand, is formulated for use WITH strips. It can be used as an alternative to a wax-based product as the technique is very similar. The product is applied thinly along the hair growth and removed against it (like a wax). No additional training (other than waxing) is required. But there are some slight variations to skin preparation.

With both treatments, there are advantages and benefits to clients & therapists.

For Clients:

Providing a natural treatment which is gentle and less traumatic to skin. It’s vegan and cruelty-free for those who choose to make lifestyle choices.

For Therapists:

It is economical as the product is completely water-soluble. Helps sustainability as it biodegrades instantly with water.

Its free from chemicals, no cleaning solvents needed saves polluting the environment.

Aqua Natural Strip Sugaring have taken this a step further. We have formulated a product by using a blend of sugar syrups only, eliminating the need for lemon juice/citric acid. This gives it a smooth consistency, for even application and strong efficacy.

Aqua Natural Strip Sugaring is registered with the Vegan Society and approved by the Leaping Bunny Programme

A quality product without compromise!

Veganuary Recipe Inspiration – My Spicy Pancakes

Hi all,

Many people have taken on the Veganuary challenge this month and after a couple of weeks, you may be lacking a bit of inspiration on what to make next. Food was a massive part of my upbringing and in my culture and it spreading the joy of food makes me really happy.

So, here is a really easy recipe for you and in fact, anyone who just loves delicious food! This dish, is quick, easy, vegan, healthy and full of nutrition.

I’m going to share with you my spicy pancakes!  They are a wonderful savoury snack that adds a bit of liveliness to regular pancakes. These are also a healthy alternative for those trying to get back on the straight and narrow after the holidays.


4oz moong flour (green bean flour) This can be replaced with any lentil flour of your choice.

2oz chickpea flour

1tsp sesame seeds

2 finely chopped spring onions

2tsp chopped coriander

2 crushed garlic cloves

1/2tsp chilli powder

1tsp coriander and cumin powder or any herbs of your choice (but this is my way)

1tsp salt

soda water

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and add soda water till you get a pancake batter consistency. From there it is just like regular pancakes. As the bubbles begin to form then it is time for the fun part, tossing them.

These go really well with mango chutney.

I hope you will give it a go and let me know what you think? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!


Rosie Khandwala – Co-Founder Aqua Natural


My History of Hair Removal – Rosie Khandwala (Aqua Natural Co-Founder)

My History of Hair Removal – Rosie Khandwala (Aqua Natural Co-Founder)

I wanted to introduce you all to a little bit about my history of hair removal and the cultural beauty rituals introduced to me.

The history of hair removal traces back to the Ancient Egyptians. The practice has continued in one form or the other for centuries and each era has influenced different treatments adopting technological advances. However, the method varies from continent to continent. And, each region has its own cultural traditions.

My Background

I was born and raised in Tanzania. Historically, for the native Tanzanians, beauty and hair removal had never been part of the culture and It wasn’t till the late 50’s early 60’s when the western ex-pats arrived that brands like Nivea, Ponds, and Yardley became available. But, these were only for the most affluent.

However, the Asian community that migrated from India and settled along the East African coast brought their own practices. Grooming has always been an integral part of Indian culture. Most of the beauty products used were homemade. They were prepared using natural ingredients that had nourishing properties which were mainly herbs and spices. One key example is the bridal ceremonies where the bride would go through days of having a paste made from chickpea flour and essentials oils massaged on her face for the skin to glow.

Introduction of Sugar Paste

The Muslim Indian community on the coast, along with the Arab influence in Zanzibar brought the use of sugaring paste. This, however, was initially discreet and not commercialised. For a long time, it was only passed on from mother to daughter. Time moved on and so did fashion trends. The removal of body hair became more open and fashionable. Around the late ’60s, we noticed the arrival of beauty salons. They started establishing in cities and towns providing hair removal treatments using the traditional sugar paste. It is still to this day the most popular, frequent and affordable treatment.

How did you enter the hair removal journey and as a therapist what journey have you been to find your favourite hair removal method?

Rosie Khandwala is the Co-Founder of Aqua Natural an ethical and eco-friendly strip-sugaring company. Aqua Natural has been manufacturing and supplying the industry for over 30 years. All Aqua Natural products are vegan, cruelty-free, fully recyclable and instantly biodegradable.